Integrimi Evropian

European Integration



Women in centuries – exhibition ‘100 products for the 100 years of independence’

Occasion speech on the opening of the exhibition ‘100 products for the 100 years of independence’ Honoured, Allow me to...

December 14, 2012

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Minister Çitaku received the newly appointed Ambassador of France in Kosovo, Mrs. Maryse DAVIET

Pristina  14. December 2012. – Minister of European Integration, Vlora Çitaku hosted the first official meeting with the French...

December 14, 2012

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Kosovo benefits €850,000 in grants in social and energy sector within the Western Balkans Investments Framework

Paris, December 6, 2012 – Today was held the VIIth meeting of the Westerns Balkans Investment Framework Steering Committee (Western...

December 6, 2012

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The action plan for the stabilization association agreement shall be finalized within two months

Pristine, 4 December 2012 – Within the intensification of Kosovo European Agenda, ninth meeting Working Committee for European...

December 4, 2012

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Minister çitaku hosted a meeting with the ambassador of portugal in budapest, non-resident for kosova mr. antonio jorge –mendes

Prishtina 04 December, 2012 – Minister of European Integration of the Republic of Kosova, Vlora Çitaku hosted an introductory...

December 4, 2012

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Ireland will support kosova on its journey towards european union

Prishtina 04 December, 2012 – Minister of European Integration of the Republic of Kosova, Vlora Çitaku hosted an introductory...

December 4, 2012

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Sector working group for donor coordination in economy, trade and industry

  Pristine, 3 December 2012. – Sector working group for donor coordination in Economy, Trade and Industry was held.  In the...

December 3, 2012

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Press release

Pristine, December 1st 2012 – Recently(recent days), in media and by the side of certain persons have been placed false information...

December 1, 2012

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Sector Working Group for Donor Coordination on Rule of Law

  Prishtina, 30 November 2012. – Sector working group on donor coordination over rule of law meeting was held on. On this meeting...

November 30, 2012

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