Integrimi Evropian

European Integration


TAIEX is the European Commission’s instrument for technical assistance and information exchange. TAIEX supports public administrations in relation to the approximation and implementation of the EU legislation, as well as facilitating the exchange of EU best practices. It is driven primarily by the needs of the institutions and provides the appropriate expertise to address issues at short notice in three ways:

  • Seminars: EU Member State experts present specific fields of EU legislation at seminars for a large number of beneficiary officials.
  • Expert missions: EU Member State experts are sent to the beneficiary institution to provide in-depth advice on the transposition or implementation of a specific piece of EU legislation.
  • Study visit: a group of three practitioners from a beneficiary administration participate in a study visit to the administration of an EU Member State.

Twinning is an instrument of the European Union for institutional cooperation between public administrations of EU Member States and beneficiary or partner states.

Twinning projects bring together public sector expertise from EU Member States and beneficiary countries with the aim of achieving concrete results.

Twinning aims to provide support for the transposition and implementation of EU legislation (acquis) by building the capacities of the public administrations of the beneficiary states throughout the accession process. The Twinning strives to share best practices developed within the EU with beneficiary public administrations and to promote long-term relationships between existing and future EU member states’ administrations.

The recipient institution’s administration in a project has sufficient staff and absorptive capacity to work with a Member State institution having a similar structure and mandate. The beneficiary country must mobilize staff, demonstrate sustained commitment and ownership, and consider changes and best practices in a sustainable manner. Twinning is a joint commitment, not a unilateral instrument of technical assistance.

Twinning projects are implemented in order to achieve binding results. They are usually articulated in components corresponding to the expected results and envisage a series of activities, including seminars, training sessions, expert missions, study visits, internships and consultancy.

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