Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Training on applying to Western Balkan Investment Framework is held

January 16, 2013


Prishtina, January 16th 2013 – Ministry of European Integration organized today one day training for state institutions with the aim to raise capacities for application in the funds of Western Balkan Investment Framework (Western Balkan Investment Framework – WBIF).

On the opening remark Mr. Demush Shasha, Secretary General of the Ministry of European Integration emphasized that: “Important political developments such as Kosovo’s membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development must be complemented with technical capabilities and expertise in order to prepare meaningful projects that will find support within the international financial institutions in the WBIF framework. This is precisely the target goal of this training.”

Western Balkan Investment Framework aims to improve cooperation and raise financial capacities for investment that contribute in the socio-economic development and advancement of the Western Balkans integration process. Institutions that contribute with financial resources within the framework are: European Commission, European Commission Bank for Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Bank for Investment German Bank for Development, World Bank and bilateral donors.

The framework is focused on key sectors of the Western Balkans economies including: energy, environment, transport, social issues and private sector development. During training were explained structures, processes and key stakeholders of Western Balkan Investment Framework.

Training was organized within the preparation of the projects for application on WBIF’s ninth round and has been introduced a guideline for application and several examples of project proposals were explained.

Training is led by Jeremy Lazenby and Nicolas Sinclair, Head and Deputy Head of the European Union project “Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans”.

For more information about the Western Balkan Investment Framework you can visit the WBIF’s official website:

Last modified: August 16, 2022

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