Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

The regular meeting of the Executive Commission for European Integration in the field of “Social Innovation and Cohesion”was held the regular meeting of the Executive Commission for European Integration in the field of “Social Innovation and Cohesion”was held the regular meeting of the Executive Commission for European Integration in the field of “Social Innovation and Cohesion”. was held.

February 4, 2014

Prishtina, 04 February 2014 – Organized by the Ministry of European Integration (MEI) and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) on 4 of February 2014, was held the regular meeting of the Executive Commission for European Integration in the field of “Social Innovation and Cohesion”.

The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss the progress of fulfilling the measures and actions of the Actions Plan for SAA (APSAA) in the sectors of social policy and employment, education, information society and electronic communication in the last quarter of 2013.

Within regular monitoring and reporting in periodic basis, representatives of the Ministry for European Integration presented the fulfilment of priorities and activities of APSAA in the area of social policies and employment, public health, education and research, information and telecommunications society.

Whereas, representatives from ministries and other institutions discussed about the challenges and the progress made in fulfilling the actions and measures foreseen with APSAA.

Taking into consideration that the implementation of measures foreseen with APSAA has a positive effect in addressing challenges in the integration process, participants agreed to continue with the fulfilment of actions and measures foreseen with the plan and to increase effectiveness of monitoring and reporting in the upcoming reporting periods.

General information:

Executive commissions are intergovernmental bodies which serve as expert`s forums to provide inter-institutional coordination within the reforms planned in the European agenda.

There are seven Executive Commissions in total:

– Justice, Freedom and Security;
– Innovation and Social Cohesion;
– Trade, Industry, Customs and Tax;
– Internal Market, Competition, Consumer Protection and Health;
– Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Food Safety;
– Transport, Environment, Regional Development;
– Economic and Financial Affairs, Statistics.

Executive Commissions for their work report to the Working Committee for European Integration.

Last modified: August 15, 2022

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