Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Deputy Minister Kasapolli hosted the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

February 25, 2013


Prishtina, 25 February, 2013 – Deputy Minister of the European Integration Mr.Kasapolli hosted a meeting with Deputy Director of the Office of Secretary General of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr. Matjaz Gruden together with the Political adviser in the Directorate of Political advice, Mr. Uwe Muller.

During the meeting they discussed on the progress of the newly established notion of “functional capacity” and the way of promoting increased interaction.

Z. Gruden said that the Council of Europe cannot allow that a country like Kosovo is outside of their agenda because of the disagreements over the status. In addition he said that Secretary General of the organization is a great benevolent of Kosovo and is considering all the options on how to cooperate with your country.

Last Parliamentary Assembly Resolution indicates a significant step in this regard where the door of mutual cooperation was opened nevertheless Kosovo’s status.

On the other hand Mr. Kasapolli thanked delegation on their visit by emphasizing that Kosovo is a country with a democratic spirit where the respect for human rights exceeds even European standards. Kosovo Constitution has provided direct application of the European Convention for the Human Rights and this shows the concept of the state of Kosovo where the person’s individual rights and as a part of the collectivity are in the centre of the attention on the basis of which is done institutional building so far and will continue with the same pace.

Last modified: August 16, 2022

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