Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Kosovo enjoys support for membership in the Europian Parliament

December 20, 2012

Prishtina, December 20th. 2012 – Deputy Minister of European Integration in the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Gëzim Kasapolli hosted in separate meetings Delegation from Montenegro led by Mr. Branislav Karadzic, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, at the same time general director for Consular Affairs and Diaspora, and other delegation from Slovenia led by Member of the European Parliament Mr. Alojz Peterle.During the meeting with Mr. Karadzic, Deputy Minister Kasapolli on the advancement on the European agenda emphasized the latest developments that occurred in Kosovo, with particular stress about the advancement on the European agenda. At the same time Mr. Kasapolli highly appraised the cooperation between Kosovo and Montenegro about the advancement toward Integration in European Union.

Mr.Karadzic ensured Mr. Kasapolli for the support that Republic of Montenegro will provide for the Republic of Kosovo from its experience on fulfilling the criteria for European integration, taking into account the purpose and priority agendas that both countries are pursuing for a faster integration in the EU.

During the meeting with Slovenian Member of the European Parliament Mr. Alojz Peterle,Deputy Minister Kasapolli thanked Mr. Peterle and Slovenian Government for willingness to share with us very successful experience of Slovenia toward membership in the European Union. In addition, he pointed out that European Integration for Kosovo is one of the key priorities that the country has.

The Member of the European Parliament Mr. Peterle ensured Deputy Minister Kasapolli that he and Slovenia are going to continue to be a strong voice to support Kosovo toward its development and membership of the Republic of Kosovo in the European Parliament.

Last modified: August 17, 2022

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