Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Minister Hoxha: Gender equality should be a priority for all sectors

October 3, 2018

Prishtina, 3 October 2018 – During the Launch of the gender analysis in Kosovo, the Minister of European Integration, Dhurata Hoxha held an occasional speech in front of the representatives of the Kosovo Women’s Network and the EU Office representatives led by Mrs. Apostolova, stressing the importance in continuing support for Kosovo from the European Union.

Through the Instrument for Pre-Accession, IPA, during the period 2007-2013, Kosovo has received over 600 million Euros and for the EU current financial period, 2014-2020, we expect that until the end, receive the same amount of funding, with possible increase.

“During this time, we have integrated the elements of gender harmony into all sectorial planning documents, including sectors such as Rule of Law and Human Rights, Energy, Agriculture, Environment, Public Administration Reform, Public Finance Management, Competitiveness and Innovation”, emphasized Minister Hoxha.

Measures have been undertaken that the beneficiary ministries from this funds integrate the gender element at the initial planning stage up to the implementation of these projects, noted Minister Hoxha.

“We consider that over the last few years is managed significantly to be improved the quality of IPA documents in terms of gender harmonization, and this was precisely achieved with the help of the Kosovo Women’s Network. We believe that is needed to continue our co-operation towards a transition that enables to reach our ownership towards gender harmonization process within the framework of the implementation of EU assistance to Kosovo provided through IPA,” said Minister Hoxha.

Kosovo Women have achieved remarkable successes, they are advanced in universities, at the level of employment in business, culture, art and other fields, said Minister Hoxha and added that extraordinary women have found the way for their voice to be heard using their talent and for the economic empowerment of women, as a prerequisite for the economic and social development of society, said Minister Hoxha, adding that as IPA National Coordinator, she will continue her efforts to achieve gender harmonization within the IPA funds.

During our work with IPA funds, pointed out Minister Hoxha, we have built a successful model of cooperation with the aim of gender harmonization that can be used as an example for our institutions for other processes as well.

Last modified: August 8, 2022

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