The complete speech of Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi:
Dear Prime Minister,
Dear Deputy Prime Minister,
Dear Minister,
Allow me to present today the achievements in the implementation of the National Program for European Integration (NEP) during the year 2023. This information is based on the annual report on the implementation of the NEP attached to your materials.
As you know, PKIE is a legally binding document for all state administration bodies, which are obliged to implement short-term measures under their responsibility for fulfilling the obligations of the SAA and other criteria for integration into the European Union (EU).
This report covers the entire year 2023. The data has been reported by each responsible institution through the Online Platform for Monitoring and Reporting for European Integration, according to the matrix of short-term measures and based on the relevant guide. In cases where the data were reported late or inadequately, they were not included in the report, and the relevant measures were assessed as not implemented.
Last year in PKIE we planned a total of 242 measures. 88 of them are legislative measures, of which 29 draft laws and one international agreement.
In total, by the end of 2023, 160 of the 242 planned measures have been implemented (about 66%).
As for the draft laws, we have approved these draft laws in the Government:
- Draft law for supplementing and amending the laws containing special administrative procedures and their harmonization with the law on general administrative procedure, second phase;
- Draft law for supplementing and amending the Law on the Use and Exchange of Municipal Immovable Property;
- Draft law on the register of beneficial owners;
- Draft law on the organization of the common market of agricultural products (also approved by the Assembly);
- Draft law on renewable energy sources;
- Draft law for supplementing and amending the Law on the Independent Media Commission;
- Draft law for supplementing and amending the Law on Religious Freedom in Kosovo;
- Draft law for supplementing and amending the Law on Control and Supervision of the State Border;
- Draft law for the amendment-amendment of the Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment;
- Draft law on climate change (also approved by the Assembly);
- Draft code for supplementing and amending the Customs and Excise Code in Kosovo.
Furthermore, the Assembly has approved two laws:
- New law on General Elections in the Republic of Kosovo; AND
- Law on Prevention and Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence.
Apart from these, some of the other important reforms of this Program implemented during the past year are as follows:
- Approval of 38 by-laws through which acquis acts and other rules for the implementation of EU standards were transposed;
- Approval of the Program for the implementation of the Energy Strategy;
- Approval of the Strategy for Industry Development and Business Support;
- Approval of the Digital Agenda for Kosovo 2030;
- Approval of the Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Communities and their Members;
- Approval of the Program for Agriculture and Rural Development 2022-2027;
- Approval of the 2023-2025 Action Plan for the implementation of the 2023-2030 Multimodal Transport Strategy;
- Approval of the National Science Program 2023-2028;
- Approval of the State Water Strategy of Kosovo 2023-2027 and the Action Plan 2023-2025 for its implementation;
- Approval of the Concept Document for the Implementation of Civil Rights, Including the Right of the Parties to Trial within a Reasonable Time;
- Approval of the Concept Document for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism;
- Approval of the Concept Document for Railways;
- Approval of the Concept Document for the Water Sector;
- Approval of the Concept Document for the Field of Nature Protection;
- Establishment of the Special Investigations Unit in the Kosovo Police, according to the Law on Special Prosecution;
- Establishment of the Department for Intelligence and Analysis in the Kosovo Police;
- Functionalization of the digital platform for reporting on the implementation of the strategic framework of public administration reform;
- Preparation of quarterly financial and performance reports for all public enterprises;
We are now in the final stage of preparing the National Program for European Integration for 2024-2028, while a number of unimplemented short-term measures from last year have been carried over to this year. We are addressing the comments of external parties and the European Commission, and then this Program will come to the government for approval and then send the same to the Assembly.
The planned implementation of the short-term measures included in the PKIE this year requires additional commitment from each of you. In addition, I also invite you, as ministers, to be in contact with the relevant parliamentary committees to ensure the approval by the Assembly of the bills I mentioned that we approved in the Government.
Thank you for your attention,
Last modified: February 21, 2024