Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Important Discussions on Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) 2014-2020

October 21, 2013

Budva, Montenegro, 21 October 2013 – Today, a workshop organised by the Office of National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC) – based within Montenegro’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of European Integration –  was held in Montenegro for representatives from around the region to exchange information and experiences on the new Instrument for Pre-Accession, IPA 2, for the next period from 2014-2020.

The meeting was attended by delegations from NIPAC offices in countries around the region. Kosovo was represented at the meeting by the Secretary General of the MEI, in the capacity of national co-ordinator. During the meeting, lessons learned from the experience of IPA during the period 2007-2013 were discussed. This includes the experience of beneficiary countries in planning national priorities and drafting of  National Strategy Paper. This meeting was also used as an opportunity to establish contacts between representatives from countries across the region.

During the meeting, Secretary General, Mr Shasha spoke about Kosovo’s experience of preparing the IPA National Strategy Paper. During the presentation, Mr. Shasha emphasized the importance of links and harmonization with the assistance provided through IPA and priorities arising from the Stabilisation and Association Process. Mr Shasha also presented on the process of preparing Kosovo contribution to the IPA National Strategy Paper and Kosovo’s priorities for the period 2014-2020.




Last modified: August 15, 2022

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