Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

European Commission commends commitment for implementation of the given criteria set out in the Roadmap for Visa Liberalization.

February 12, 2013

Prishtina, February 12th 2013 – Organized by Ministry of European Integration, today has been held a meeting of the high officials on visa dialogue which was chaired by Minister Çitaku and Stefano Manservisi European Commission’s Home Affairs Director General.

The meeting was held in order to exchange views on the report presented by European Commission. This is the first report of the Commission where has been presented the progress which has been made in fulfilling of requirements of the Roadmap of Visa Liberalization.

In order to support the process of visa liberalization for Kosovo in the meeting was also present Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Hashim Thaçi, who stated before the European commission delegation that “This process is more than important and we as Government of the Republic of Kosovo are ready to take all necessary reforms that will improve the lives of the citizens of Kosovo, shall contribute to the approximation of Kosovo with EU and will allow free movement without visa for all citizens”.

Prime Minister also said that “Kosovo has a future and that is European future which we owe to our children before all and future generations that come after us. This future is accomplished by enabling our citizens to travel without visa. This is already our responsibility and our commitment. I will ensure you that all our capacities will be in the service of this agenda. It is our obligation and duty before the citizens to implement these criteria with precision as soon as possible.”

Minister Çitaku spoke in front of the European Commission delegation on the concrete progress that was achieved with process of repatriation and reintegration, document security, border management and migration, public security, human rights and freedom of movement. Minister Çitaku said that” European Commission report clearly highlights so far accomplishments as well as it highlights remaining challenges. Kosovo remains the only country in the region which is not enjoying the right to travel without visa and we are truly committed to achieve this goal within as shorter as possible time limit”. ****

In Addition, European Commission Delegation stated that report has assessed Kosovo’s progress in every chapter of the Roadmap for visa and made recommendations to the Government of Kosovo in the fields where a decisive action is required in order to obtain visa-free travelling for its citizens. Report also commends potential safety and migration impact of visa liberalization with Kosovo.

After the meeting it was realized a media conference where among other was said that during today’s meeting has been concluded that it has been achieved a substantial and concrete progress on the process of visa liberalization in all blocks that were defined by visa liberalization roadmap.

A concrete progress has been achieved in the process of repatriation and reintegration, document security, border management and migration, public security, human rights and freedom of movement. We agreed that there is still work to do and that our institutions will continue their maximum commitment in implementation of all criteria and recommendations from European Commission’s report. We also agreed that this is not an impossible mission but it is a possible mission and that Kosovo is fortunate not to be alone but to have European Union Rule of Law Mission that are our partners in meeting the criteria that derive from Roadmap and Feasibility Study published in October 2012.

We agreed that Kosovo Institutions have already accomplished these criteria which together with other short term criteria that are in finalization process will pave the road for beginning of the negotiations for Stabilization and Association Agreement said among other Minister Çitaku.


Last modified: August 16, 2022

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