Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

France strongly supports Kosovo in its road towards European Integration

December 19, 2013

Pristine, December 19, 2012 – Minister for European Integration, Vlora Çitaku had meetings with France state high officials, where were discussed recent developments in Kosovo, and Kosovo’s European perspective, for the work preceding the Stabilization and Association Agreement as well as the dialogue with Serbia.

Minister Çitaku was welcomed from the Minister for European Affairs in the French Government, Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve. In the meeting Minister Çitaku emphasized Kosovo’s clear European perspective in line with other countries from Western Balkans, and stressed the achievement done so far in regard of fulfilling the criteria for the SAA out coming steep.  In this occasion minister stated that: Kosovo will undertake all necessary reforms to advance Kosovo’s European agenda”

A subject for discussion was the dialogue between the Government of Kosovo and Serbia, in whereby Serbia’s political platform was discussed,  regarding which Minister Çitaku emphasized “Serbia’s platform, is not only unacceptable but it’s a mockery done to the region and EU” Minister demanded increased support from France and other EU countries in continuing a constructive dialogue from Serbia. On his behalf, her counterpart Mr. Cazeneuve stated France’s support for advancing Kosovo in European Agenda. Also, France appreciates Kosovo’s devotion for constructive dialogue and hopes to see further results in implementing agreements from both sides.

Minister Çitaku also meet with Mr. Fabien Penone, Diplomatic Adviser for Netherlands President for Foreign Policy in EU, Balkans and Russia.

She expressed her gratitude for the support that France has given to Kosovo. In this meeting Minister Çitaku emphasized that “Kosovo’s Government has done a lot of work and has brought many positive results in Kosovo’s state building since the declaration of independence”. She added that Government is working in fulfilling the conditions and the criteria’s set by the European Commission and that already a large part of the criteria’s is implemented. “In the meeting the dialogue with Serbia was mentioned, where Minister Çitaku emphasized that Kosovo’s Government is constructively committed in dialogue with Serbia. On his behalf, Mr. Fabien Penone stated that Netherlands President and French Government are    committed and will continue support for Kosovo on the path towards European Integration. Within the visit, Minister Çitaku meet with Mr. Eric Fournier, Director of Continental Europe under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Fournier on this occasion informed Minister Çitaku that he closely follows developments in Kosovo and offered his support and the support of the institution he represents for advancing Kosovo in international sphere, by highly assessing the Devotion of the French Government, in order for Kosovo to successfully move forward towards European Integration.

Minister Çitaku visited the National Assemble, in which occasion meet with members of the Commission for European Affairs of National Assemble to discus achievements and advancing in Kosovo since the declaration of independence.

Last modified: August 17, 2022

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