Political priorities (ERA II)
Political priorities for implementation of the SAA – European Reform Agenda (ERA)
In order to prioritize implementation of key reforms required by the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, the Republic of Kosova and the European Union launched the European Reform Agenda (ERA) for the first time in November 2016, as an official framework of key reforms at the highest political level to fulfil obligations deriving from the SAA. ERA contained 22 priorities and an action plan for their implementation, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kosova on 9 November 2016 and adopted by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosova on 15 February 2017.
The purpose of the ERA is to prioritize key political, economic, rule of law and structural reforms, with a view to creating more favourable conditions for implementation of reforms in other SAA areas, but also to achieve more tangible results for citizens and the private sector in terms of socio-economic development.
Following the first phase, the second phase of political priorities (ERA II) was launched on 8 October 2020, jointly by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova and the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations. The Action Plan for its implementation (PV ERA II) was afterwards drawn up.
PV ERA II was approved by the Government on 11 August 2021 and adopted by the Assembly on 4 October 2021. In order to implement the 15 priorities foreseen in ERA II, the Action Plan foresees 341 specific reforms (designed as indicators), distributed as follows:
- Pillar I: Good Governance and the Rule of Law – 4 priorities and 153 specific reforms;
- Pillar II: Competitiveness, Investment Climate and Sustainable Development – 6 priorities and 121 specific reforms; and
- Pillar III: Employment, Education and Health – 5 priorities and 67 specific reforms.