Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Minister Ahmetaj on official visit to Tirana

March 1, 2017

Tirana, 1 March 2017 – Today, the Minister of European Integration, Ms. Mimoza Ahmetaj, held separate courtesy meetings in Tirana with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ditmir Bushati, and her counterpart, Minister of European Integration of Albania, Mr. Klajda Gjosha.

During the meeting, the ministers discussed on the political environment in the context of EU and the latest political developments in Kosovo and Albania, as well as on Albania’s experience in implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the use of EU funds for financing the reforms foreseen in the European agenda.

At the meeting with Minister Bushati, the topic of discussion was the current developments in both countries, namely, the advancement in the process of European integration. The two ministers agreed to enhance coordination between the two institutions, in order to advance the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement as well as to move forward with the European agendas of our countries.

Whereas, at the meeting with Minister Gjosha was discussed on the inter-institutional coordination for implementation of the SAA, the process of approximation and translation of the legislation as well as programming of EU funds to support reforms within the EU integration process.

After the meeting, the two ministers addressed the media at a press conference. During the press conference, Minister Ahmetaj said: “Albania has made an excellent progress since the beginning of the process on European integration, SAA negotiations, meeting the criteria for candidate status and is now just before starting the negotiations. The experience gained at all levels of Albanian institutions is an experience which we want to use in order to help Kosovo’s efforts in the process of European integration. Also, the Republic of Kosovo is very close to visa liberalization. In this regard, Albania’s experience in managing the process after obtaining the visa liberalization will be important for Kosovo institutions”.

On her part, Minister Gjosha said: “I want to emphasize that Kosovo and Albania are at various stages of the integration process, however, they pledged to be together in this process. The progress of the two countries is clear and visible. Regarding the expertise and translated legislation, both countries can provide assistance to each other; therefore, this cooperation should be intensified further”.

Last modified: August 10, 2022

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