Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

IPA Multi-Beneficiary

Multi-country – financial assistance under IPA II

Total EU assistance in 2014-2020 – €2.9 billion *

* includes €542 million in unallocated funds for Bosnia & Herzegovina

The multi-country programme helps meet the targets identified in the Country Strategy Papers, albeit through different means. In line with the Multi-country Indicative Strategy Paper 2014-20 , the programme provides assistance through 4 multi-country channels that provide a viable complement to national assistance:

A) Horizontal support

Technical assistance, information and training for authorities in IPA II beneficiaries, through the TAIEX instrument and in the form of twinning.

This makes available the know-how of EU and international organisations and best practices, including for evidence-based policy making (statistical cooperation), thereby helping improve the formulation and implementation of national sector policies and the related reform strategies. And it provides support across the region to strengthen civil society and ensure free and independent media, as well as building capacity and promoting mobility in higher education and for young people, by contributing to the Erasmus+ Programme.

B) Regional structures & networks

Promotes regional cooperation, networking and sharing of best practice to help IPA II beneficiaries prepare for EU membership, align their national legislation with EU law (acquis) and gradually adapt to EU standards and practices.

Support in this strand will target initiatives like:

· Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

· Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA)

· the Prosecutors’ Network

· International Law Enforcement Coordination Units (ILECUs)

· Environment & Climate Regional Accession Network (ECRAN)

· South-East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO)

· Energy Community

· Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)

· Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG)

· Education & Employment Platforms.

C) Regional investment support

Targeting projects with a clear regional dimension that help socio-economic development in more than one IPA II beneficiary and address in particular investment needs related to:

· competitiveness of business

· connectivity between beneficiaries and EU countries

· environmental protection & climate change mitigation/adaptation.

The main instruments providing such support are:

· Western Balkans Investment Framework

· Green for Growth Fund

· Western Balkan Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility

· European Fund for Southeast Europe

· Regional Housing Programme

D) Territorial cooperation

Promoting good neighbourly relations between, and local development in, border regions – through cross-border programmes within the region and countries already in the EU, as well as transnational cooperation programmes and related macro-regional programmes (EU strategies for the Danube regionand for the Adriatic-Ionian region).

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