Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Germany continues to support Kosovo on its European agenda

November 25, 2013

Berlin , November25, 2013 – The Minister of European Integration, Vlora Çitaku travelled to Berlin for a visit in order to meet with German government high state officials.

During` this visit, Minister Vlora Çitaku  met with Dr. Christoph HEUSGEN, Adviser for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy at the office of the German Chancellor. During the meeting, latest developments in Kosovo, the progress achieved on European agenda, the commencement of SAA negotiations and the visa liberalization process, were discussed. Also, positive assessment by the European Commission on the progress of the Western Balkans towards EU integration, was discussed. On this occasion, Minister Çitaku said that she is grateful to all instances of the German Government for their commitment on assisting Kosovo and that a considerable part of Kosovo’s success also belongs to Germany, since without the advice and the support of Germany, Kosovo will not be where it is now. The Minister also noted that the launching of negotiations for SAA with the EU, finds Kosovo ready because proper preparations are made from all institutions of the country. Whereas, regarding visa liberalization process, Minister Çitaku informed Mr. Heusgen, concerning the course of fulfilling  the criteria and recommendations derived from visa liberalization roadmap, and stressed the importance added support regarding this process.

On the other hand, Mr. Heusgen praised the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo regarding the preparations made for the commencement of  negotiation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement as well as their commitment to addressing the criteria and recommendations derived from  visa liberalization roadmap. He made clear that the German Government will strongly support Kosovo in order to build sustainable and democratic institutions, that will simultaneously  contribute to the country in meeting the criteria for full membership in the European Union.

During a meeting with the Political Director of the Division for EU and KOR, in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr . Hans – Dieter LUCAS, it was discussed on the Kosovo`s perspective and German support. More thoroughly it was discussed regarding recent developments in our country, where by special emphasis was pointed out the credibility that Kosovo gained with its positive approach towards normalization of relations with Serbia, fluffing the criteria and commencing of negotiations for signing a SAA with EU. On this occasion, Mr. Lucas stated that cooperation between our two countries is very good and we are very interested to have even greater growth, both in economic and social aspect. Also, the progress that Kosovo has managed to realize via reforms, normalization of relations with Serbia and meeting the criteria for the process of European integration is an additional reason to support this momentum in order that Kosovo to be positioned as higher as possible, and be placed where it deserves in relation to aspirations for integration into the European family.

The next meeting, Minister Çitaku conducted with Mr. Ernst Reichel, Head of Division for Eastern Europe, Turkey and EFTA member states, in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On this occasion the latest developments in Kosovo, the progress achieved with the European agenda, the development of democracy in the country and strengthening of institutions, were discussed. On this occasion, Mr. Reichel emphasizes that the German government remained faithful to its pledge to support Kosovo in any area, since Kosovo is a success story regarding  functional and democratic state. “Germany will continue to support Kosovo’s European path, especially when considering the fact that Kosovo has shown a great commitment in playing a constructive role for positive developments in the region. ” stated Mr. Reichel.

In the course of today’s meetings, Minister Çitaku met with Mr. Bodo WEBER, a political analyst, a member of the steering board in the Policy Council for Democratization and good connoisseur of developments in the Western Balkan region. During the meeting, latest developments in Kosovo and the perspective of the entire region, were discussed. Mr. Weber, from the point of view of opinion shapers, stressed that Kosovo has made proper movements showing interest and commitment in order to be engage in dialogue with Serbia and thus managed to gain international support. At the same time, Kosovo is successfully moving towards integration of northern municipalities in the governance system of Republic of Kosovo.

Tomorrow, Minister Çitaku will attend the Foreign Policy Forum, which would be held for the third time in Berlin in order to discuss the main issues of German and European foreign policy, where participants are Ministers of different states, opinion shapers and young Europeans.

Last modified: August 15, 2022

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