Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Irregular migration undermines the Visa Liberalization process for Kosovo

April 4, 2014

Ferizaj, April 4 2014 – Minister of European Integration, within the information campaign for Visa Liberalisation process, today held its regular meeting  with the citizens of the Municipality of Ferizaj, with whom they discussed in more details about the process and criteria that Kosovo must fulfil for Visa Liberalization. Organization of these informational meetings is conducted in cooperation with the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo. Within the comprehensive campaign for Visa Liberalisation process, meetings commenced with the municipality of Mitrovica, to continue with the municipality of Fushe Kosova, Obilic and today’s meeting was in the municipality of Ferizaj.


The purpose of these meetings is to provide citizens the opportunity to be directly informed and communicate with the panellists, who are officials directly involved and informed regarding the details about Visa Liberalization process and relevant topics such as irregular migration and reintegration of repatriated persons.

In today`s panel to communicate with the citizens, Mr. Sefedin Kuçi from the Department for Citizenship, Asylum and Migration, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stated: ” Citizens should together be activated against the phenomena of irregular migration, a phenomena which is dangerous and not at all easy to those undertaking it “.

Whereas Mr. Hilmi Mustafa from the Office for European Integration in the municipality of Ferizaj, added that: “Municipality of Ferizaj, since 2011, has operational the Office for European Integration and the Office for Reintegration of repatriated persons and since than has ensured the implementation of responsibilities for the reintegration of repatriated persons into the society”.

Mr. Artan Duraku from the Office for Coordination and European Integration in the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated: “All citizens should be aware that irregular migration is a very dangerous phenomena and it is not worth taking this steep for any citizen. As citizens, in the process of Visa Liberalization, we need to work together to fulfil the criteria emerging from the roadmap and prevent irregular migration, which undermines this process “.

Whereas, the representative from the Civil Society, respectively, the Initiative for Progress (Iniciativa për Progres), Mr. Alban Halitit stated: “Campaigns such as this, should be organized more intensively in order to inform the citizens of each municipality that irregular migration is not worth it, and still remains a significant challenge to our country, and severely damages all development processes of the Republic of Kosovo as well as European integration “.

Last modified: August 15, 2022

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