Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

The two-week bus tour within the information campaign for the visa liberalization process, has ended

April 19, 2014

Prishtina, 19 April 2014 – The Ministry of European Integration in cooperation with the Swiss Office in Kosovo, organized the informative bus tour  in 40 villages and towns of Kosovo, within the comprehensive campaign on Visa Liberalization process. This tour, after ten days, ended today in the “Zahir Pajaziti” square in Prishtina.

The purpose of this tour was to raise the awareness and to provide the opportunity for Kosovo citizens to be informed in details regarding the consequences that irregular migration will bring to them, both financial and physical risks that await them during this process. Citizens had the opportunity to discuss with the public faces and officials of various institutions of Kosovo regarding irregular migration, reintegration of repatriated persons and visa liberalization process in general.

During the ten days of the bus tour,  all regions of Kosovo were visited, on which occasion, it was discussed with residents of all communities. The citizen`s interest regarding this tour and the campaign in general was extremely large, in order to be informed about visa liberalization process and consequences of irregular migration.

The campaign is described as attractive, right and quite topical considering that almost all Kosovo municipalities face the challenge of irregular migration and reintegration of repatriated persons. During the tour are met many repatriated persons who shared their experiences before and after repatriation, where many of them showed  their  experiences during migration, and they were happy to have returned to start a life in Kosovo.

On the other hand, during the campaign are encountered citizens unsatisfied and upset with their current situation and who were willing to migrate irregularly. Such citizen have been informed about all the consequences that irregular migration brings with it, and that prevention of this phenomenon is one of main criteria that Kosovo must meet on its path towards visa liberalization.

Ministry of European Integration even after the end of the tour will continue with other activities to increase the awareness of the citizens of Kosovo about the Visa Liberalization process and the risks and consequences of  irregular migration.

Last modified: August 12, 2022

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