Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Kosovo aims membership in the Organization of the Open Government Partnership

April 18, 2014

Prishtina, April 17, 2014 – Minister of European Integration Vlora Çitaku, today participated in the Regional Conference: Path towards membership in the Open Government Partnership, organized by the Movement Fol.

The Republic of Kosovo is committed toward principles of the open government, technology and accountability in the context of its efforts to increase transparency. Government aims membership in the Organization of the Open Government Partnership, namely for transparency, we hope that Kosovo’s membership in this organization that promotes transparency, not to be complicated by “political reasons and justifications”, but, to be assessed by the principles that this organization represents, stated minister Çitaku.

Minister Çitaku further added that “Firstly, it is necessary to ensure that the Government opens the data at the right time, those data are of high quality, and are really opened. Secondly, this implies that everyone is able to use, reuse and redistribute them. Opening the data, especially the high-level ones as such the national budget, it is not sufficient as it is, but the data should be presented in order to be more meaningful to the public”

Government of Kosovo in close cooperation with representatives of civil society, business sector, other stakeholders has drafted: the National Action Plan 2014-2016 and is determined to address 4 out of 5 major challenges of the OGP, such as: improvement of Public Services; enhancement of Public Integrity, more efficient  Public Resources management; and increasing Corporate Accountability.

The purpose of opening of the Government, basically has a broader understanding, ranging from: transparency, accountability, partnership and cooperation in decision making.

By strengthening the transparency directly, contributes to the increasing of accountability because every action or expenditure of public money will be available to the public. Therefore, this way we have institutional awareness raising for a more open, more collaborative, partner and transparent Government,” stated Minister Çitaku.

At the end, Minister Çitaku thanked all relevant stakeholders who have contributed in drafting the National Action Plan.


Last modified: August 12, 2022

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