Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Discussion of the draft Progress Report 2014 and next steps towards visa liberalization

September 16, 2014

Brussels, 16 September 2014 – As part of the finalization of the Progress Report 2014, in Brussels is held a coordination meeting between the Government of Kosovo and the European Commission.

During the meeting was discussed about the findings and recommendations of the draft Progress Report for 2014. It was discussed in particular about the progress and challenges in the context of the political and economic criteria, and European standards. Special discussion was conducted on the process of adoption of SAA and fulfilment of the medium-term criteria of Feasibility Study.

During the day, the technical meeting was held as well, in the context of visa liberalization process, where Kosovo delegation presented the draft Action Plan for implementation of recommendations of the last European Commission’s report.

European Commission highly appreciated the Kosovo institutions’ efficiency and effectiveness in preparation of the Action Plan, and both delegations agreed that Kosovo institutions shall now focus on the implementation of the Action Plan and consequently, until the end of the year, shall submit the evaluation report on implementation of the Action Plan.

The Kosovo delegation was led by Mr. Gëzim Kasapolli, acting Minister of European Integrations, whereas the EU delegation was lead by Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, Director for Western Balkan, the Directorate General for Enlargement in the European Commission and Mr. Ioan-Dragos Tudorache, Head of the Unit of International Affairs, Directorate General for Home Affairs in European Commission.

Last modified: August 12, 2022

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