Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Deputy Minister Ilazi in the workshop for regional development: economic growth and job generation is priority number 1 of the Government

April 14, 2015

Prishtina, 14 April 2015: Deputy Minister Ilazi spoke today at a workshop on socio-economic development of the municipalities of the Centre Region of Kosovo organized by the Association of Regional Development Agencies (ARDA) and the Association of Kosovo Municipalities (AKM) in partnership with the Ministry of European Integration and support from the office of European Commission. This workshop served as an opportunity for the municipalities from Centre Region in presenting socio-economic priority projects at regional and municipal level before the Government of Kosovo and the donor community.

Please find below the full speech of deputy minister Ilazi

Dear Mayors,
Dear donor representatives,
Dear participants,

I am pleased to take the floor in today’s workshop, which is organized by the Agency for Regional Development Centre, in collaboration with the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, and the support provided by the EU Office in Kosovo.

The Ministry of European Integration has also supported such an initiative, and we will commit that central government involves more in initiatives aiming to assist local authorities in their cooperation, in order to increase the capacity for absorption of donor funds.


The Government of Kosovo has recently adopted its Government Program, which presents the priorities for development in the next four years.

The government will also soon finalize, within a few months, the National Strategy for Development and the latter will be our main reference for coordinating national budget and foreign funds.

In this context, economic development is the focal point of the Government Programme. Economic growth and job generation is priority number 1 of the Government.

It is understood that a significant role within the economic development will have the support for projects that will bring direct benefits to the local level for individuals and businesses that make up the foundation of our economy.

I am convinced that the Ministry of Local Government, but other ministries as well, in cooperation with the local level will do an excellent job in preparing projects to support regional development in Kosovo.

From our side, we as the Ministry of Integration will ensure that foreign assistance will continue to focus on projects that Kosovo municipalities consider as priority for their overall development.


Kosovo is in the initial stage to benefit from EU funds. Over the coming years, the volume of EU funds that will be available for Kosovo municipalities will grow exponentially. Therefore, it is essential to continue the good work in building administrative capacities that would be able to prepare quality projects to be supported by the EU structural funds.

Finally, I want to congratulate Mayor Ahmeti, but also other mayors of the municipalities of the Centre Region for organizing today’s conference. At the same time, I thank all our partners who have consistently supported local and regional development in Kosovo.

Thank you for your attention and wish you a successful conference.

Last modified: August 12, 2022

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