Integrimi Evropian

European Integration

Kosovo benefits a grant of € 1.84 million in the railway sector within the Western Balkans Investment Framework.

June 13, 2013


Athens, 13th June 2013 – Today was held the VIIIth meeting of the Steering Committee of the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) in Athens. The Steering Committee has reviewed the submitted projects in the IXth round of application.

In the IXth round, Kosovo has applied with a project in the field of railways, respectively the detailed design and tender dossier for the rehabilitation of the 10th railway route. The 10th railway route connects Kosovo with the region and the European Union, through corridor X and Corridor VIII, which are key regional priorities. The project will be supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and at the same time represents the first project since Kosovo`s membership in EBRD. Initial grant in the amount of EUR 1.84 million will be provided by the European Western Balkans Joint Fund (EWBJF). Grant will open the way for EBRD`s investment in the amount of 70 million Euro.

Within the meeting, the Steering Committee has selected Kosovo and Croatia to present the situation on implementation of projects which are approved in earlier WBIF rounds.

In this regard, Kosovo presented the project “Improvement of central heating in Prishina”. A project which is drafted by the Municipality of Prishtina (2 million Euros) and is being supported from the German Bank for Development (KfW) with a loan in an amount of 5 million Euro, European Union/WBIF grants in the amount of 13, 8 million Euro, German Government with a grant in the amount of 6 million Euros, SIDA grant in the amount of 1, 9 million Euro and the Luxemburg Government with a grant of 1.5 million Euro. Total amount of the project is 30.2 million Euros. Central Heating Project is energy efficient technology where there is maximal use of steam generated by the production of electricity, which would normally be emitted into the environment.

Purpose of the project is to improve Central heating services for existing customers, expand coverage areas with central heating, and replace the use of electricity and timber for heating. As a result, with this project the cost of heat production will be lower and the use of mazut (fuel oil) will be reduced, which on the other hand serves regarding the improvement of air quality within the city of Prishtina.

During the presentation of the project, a short video is presented which can be found on this link:  Video link #

General information on the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)

Western Balkans Investment Framework aims to improve cooperation and build financial capacities for investments that contribute in the socio-economic development and advancement of the integration process of the Western Balkans. Institutions which contribute with financial resources within the framework are: the European Commission, Council of Europe Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, the German Development Bank, World Bank and bilateral donors.

The framework focuses on key sectors of the Western Balkans economies including: energy, environment, transport, social affairs and private sector development.


For more information regarding the Framework, you can visit the official website of WBIF:

Last modified: August 16, 2022

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